Do you think that all the guys walked up those 800 steps on their own?,
shareNo they were carried puny a donkey. Wait.....where was the donkey? Yes they walked up.
shareI agree. How else would they get there? Someone suggested a helicopter, but there didn't seem to be room at the top for one to land. Plus Henry & George hate choppers. So they said, anyway.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
I think they did do it - with plenty of breaks. But I am sure they were in pain the next few nights. And didn't Shatner say in Hong Kong - what appeared to us to take place over say a week and a half, was actually filming over 4 weeks?
But it is still a lot of fun.
For sure there's been a lot of editing, as is the case with all these types of shows.
Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
Of course. And I am certain a lot of it is set-up and staged ahead of time. Like the fistful of snakes. But I know I would be running down the street if I saw that coming at me - so I can enjoy their reaction even if it was staged.
shareWhy do you think the snakes were staged? I'm sure there is some staging though. There would have to be. But who cares? I laugh at scripted shows too. When the humor is good, the humor is good.
As for the stairs, duh, yes they walked up. I don't think these 4 guys would even take part in a show that went that far to misrepresent the events. Could be wrong, but it's what I believe. They showed them taking a ton of breaks along the way. No reason to think that's not real. Which, I must say, is pretty awesome for that age, esp Bill. 800 steps is like 60 flights! *I* would need breaks. LOL
If you had read my previous posts you would see that I said I do believe they made the climb, duh....
As far as staged, I also said I do not care if it was planned to bring the snakes out or not. I would have been out the door along with Winkler and Bradshaw if she came near me. Do I think they had arranged to visit that particular store ahead of time - yes. I don't know if the proprietor was encouraged to take out all those cobras, but it didn't make any difference to me.
And nobody has said that them making that big a climb wasn't a feat of endurance. I am familiar with bad would take me all day to do 800 steps.
Don't be so sensitive little kitty. The part about the stairs was directed at all the commenters that thought they were carried up somehow, not you.
As for the staged parts, I don't think you're using the word staged properly, are you? In this context, I take it to mean "fake", as in, acting scared of snakes when in fact they are not.
Of course they arranged the destinations ahead of time. They didn't just happen to end up in restaurants that serve chicken vaginas and dirt steak by accident. LOL
Don't be so sensitive little kitty. The part about the stairs was directed at all the commenters that thought they were carried up somehow, not you.
As for the staged parts, I don't think you're using the word staged properly, are you? In this context, I take it to mean "fake", as in, acting scared of snakes when in fact they are not.
Of course they arranged the destinations ahead of time. They didn't just happen to end up in restaurants that serve chicken vaginas and dirt steak by accident. LOL
LOL. Wow, your panties sure are in a twist aren't they. Little bit of a persecution complex maybe? You big burning(?) tiger you... rowr...
shareNah, I just am intolerant of posters who are just plain rude and who have some personalty trait that makes them feel big to comment on posters and not their post content. Frightened little people hiding behind their computers.
Too bad, they take the enjoyment of posting about a common interest with a group of strangers.
I've indulged you too much. Have the last word if you want, I won't respond and I won't post again. Yoyur loss really. You can have the board all by yourself eventually and feel very grand about it as I see you have been rude to others, too.
You won't reply to me again? Is that a promise? Yay! Thank you!
Geez, you're too dumb to see that you're the one who was rude. Ask a friend to read my first post to you since you obviously didn't understand it. My comment to you wasn't rude at all - just asked why you thought it was staged. Then you took the 2nd paragraph - which any moron could see from context was not addressed directly you (well, not ANY moron - evidently you missed it) - and you got all snarky for no reason.
So yeah, if you keep to your word and don't reply to me again, I can only thank you for sparing me from having to deal with one more idiot.
George Foreman is stronger than a 747, he carried the entire cast up the stairs!