MovieChat Forums > Ambulance (2022) Discussion > I can see by their poster they are going...

I can see by their poster they are going for diversity cred

but the cast appears to be missing asians, native Americans, and trans at a minimum. Also, how about black women? Also, I see plenty of white, black, and latino guys in the cast, but no black women?


According to Hollywood, America is comprised only by Whites and Blacks. No Hispanics or Asians in sight. Blacks heavily overrepresented.


the chick on the cover poster is latino


I was talking about movies in general.


every other H-wood movie coming out these days has either a latino female romantic interest or a half-black like zoe saldana,
the white girls are on the chopping block


If it's a romantic role for a Black male, I much prefer to see Latinas than White women.


i prefer latinas in a sexual context so i am in total agreement with you


How is that when the majority of actors are white?


America is majority White especially of adults. Blacks are severely overrepresented from their 13% of the population especially in the last several years.


So then are blacks overrepresented in the NBA then?


One overrepresentation is due to leftist ideology, the other due to merit. Learn the difference.


Lol nice deflection. Black actors can earn merit as well buddy. Just like how white NBA players can earn merit in the NBA as well. Me 21 you 0.


It's not a deflection you idiot. It's perfect response. Blacks have an average IQ of 85. Their overrepresentation among Hollywood roles isn't due to their merit, but due to the leftist ideology of promoting "diversity" which leftists openly brag about. Blacks are naturally better at jumping than Whites due to to their higher share of fast twitch muscle fibbers.


Me 21 you 0.


In translation, "I don't have any counter arguments."


Me 21 you 0. Once the score for me gets to thirty I will not be replying to you anymore. You have a long ways to go in order to even the score. I suggest you step it up.


You haven't won a single debate in all of our debating history. All you do is ignore the argument and just reply with "me 21, you 0" which is not an argument.


Me 21 you 0.


Oh and they had to put a disgusting gay couple in just to fill the diversity quotas.


Do you always seethe when you see minorities?


this losers sooo sensitive, literally seeing a woman, and seeing black person. sets him off in a rage lol.

its too diverse and woke and horrible and the most woke ever. but its also not woke enough

this clown just needs to be constantly triggered


wait are they going for diversity or not. holy fuck you spazos cant get your story straight. but I guesss the point int to make logical arguments, its to bitch and whine

"X proves my point!!!!"

"also not X proves my point!!"

everything proves the triggered cuckservative point
