Laugh track

Pure drivel


Agreed! I frickin hate laugh tracks. Clearly, a show is crap if one is needed.


Live audience.


Do you think that because they have a live audience the dont dub in a laugh tack?


Do I care? No!

I am over 60, every sitcom I grew up with, starting with I Love Lucy, had a laugh track (originating from a studio audience). Maybe it is 60 years of watching TV, but it doesn't bother me.

Shows that have a canned laugh track I just tune out the laugh track and frankly don't even hear it. The advantage of being a senior citizen is that you have years to cultivate your selective hearing.


Sorry bro, but clearly your old age is affecting your hearing.

It's one thing where the "live audience" doesn't laugh at your lame jokes and you have to insert fake laughter OR if they re-shoot scenes and nobody will laugh a second time but if you would take them time to listen, you can hear the laughs are EXACTLY THE SAME. You can even hear background sounds to prove the laugh tracks are recycled.

Yup, selective hearing is like selective law enforcement. The reason why our country went to *beep*
