MovieChat Forums > The Ranch (2016) Discussion > Does Debra Winger Drink??

Does Debra Winger Drink??

Half the time she's saying her lines she sounds drunk, all slurry, and her emoting is like way off. Does anyone know if she's had issues with alcohol in the past? That may be whats wrong here. I'm finding it hard to believe nobody else is picking up on this.


I would venture a guess at "yes" to your question. Quite honestly, I didn't even know that was her because her face looks so different. I have been binge watching on Netflix so I skipped the intro. I saw a photo of her briefly before fast-forwarding it and wondered "Why is Debra Winger's picture in the intro?" No joke. I don't know if she is a raging alcoholic but she definitely has the "face" of one. If you look at photos of Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) you can see the same tell-tale signs. As far as Winger's voice, I think she has always had bad timing and "marble mouth" and nasally intonation. Wonder Woman was one of my favorite shows and I own the seasons and still can't bear to watch the ones Winger ruined.

- Get busy living, or get busy dying. Andy (The Shawshank Redemption)


Yea because people that are alcoholic have a certain "face" lol.. I know a few that have drank extensively for 30 years, and there is no such thing(one is very attractive).

John 3:16 : Eternal life through Christ only.


She's looks like your average 61-year-old woman. It's actually refreshing to see Hollywood not be nip-tucked and botoxed to hell and back.

Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you $50,000 for a kiss and 50 cents for your soul.


What? Debra Winger is unrecognizable because of all of the crap she's done to her face. Her eyes are half the size they used to be. It's a shame, because she was so beautiful, but I guess she got caught up in the fillers/botox regime.


Winger has always talked at bit slow and slurry (with a deep voice for a woman). Watch Urban Cowboy and Terms of Endearment.


I think (because I'm old) I remember reading she had a problem with a lot
of celebrities did in the 80's. But don't quote me on that. As far as drinking....know idea. I think she is a great actress...Don't even care that she a huge Liberal. :)
