LOL Accents

If this show is supposed to be set in Colorado, why are they all using part-time Southern accents? It sounds like a bunch of really bad Cat on a Hot Tin Roof impressions that fade in and out whenever one of the actors seems to remember that they are in character. It's a very strange choice considering that it would be more "Colorado authentic" if they just talked in their regular voices.

I'm on episode 1 and I don't know that I can handle much more. Does this continue or do they just give up the ridiculous accents at some point in later episodes?


The show ia funny (at least to me) but the accents drive me up a wall !!

I've lived in colorado over 20 years and the only southern accents I hear, are from southerners who just moved here ......not ppl that are natives !


Cntrybrat, what part of Colorado do you live in? This is supposed to be on the West Slope which in many ways have what I refer to as a country hick accent that is seen in Southwest Colorado and Southeast Utah.


I'm in the Colorado Springs


I'm a Colorado native and I have to say that those of us in and around the Denver area have more in common accent wise with Southern California than we do with whatever accent they're doing in this show, but I guess I can't speak as to the rest of the state: Eastern plains, Western slope, etc. Despite the ridiculous accents I still enjoy the show.


I'm from Texas and we visited Denver last year and decided to drive up to Wyoming. Well we stopped somewhere in the Fort Collins area and we were surprised by what we thought was a bit of a southern sounding twang to the good folks we encountered.
