MovieChat Forums > The Titan (2018) Discussion > So what was accomplished..

So what was accomplished..

By sending Rick to Titan? So he could stand triumphantly on a precipice, with his arms in the air?

Ridiculous premise.


The idea is that he's the first of many. A prototype. A test run. There are supposed to be many more to follow.


i mean the guy knew what he was signing up for..when you sign up for death in a should be okay with morphing into a alien..i never understood why he was so bitchy about going to space...had he died he wouldn't have seen his family anyway.


He wasn't himself. Then he didn't want to go because they were going to wipe his memory so he wouldn't remember his family.

He was lied to a lot and got fucked over. The not surprisingly when shit went wrong because they weren't honest with the people involved, Rick suddenly had a change of heart because well he wasn't really in control of himself.


so we are all suppose to turn into whatever he became? i was never sure what he was suppose to do on titan either.


Another user pointed out in a thread I made about this movie something that makes this movie fall flat on its face. If you can transform people to survive on titan, then it would be easier to transform them to exist better on earth which, despite its issues, is still better suited to human survival.


Yes. Also, in the timeline we're given for the demise of earth, sending one guy there to prance around just eats up a good portion of that time. Okay, so he survives. Now what? Terra form the entire planet and start growing food? AND convert how many earthlings? We're talking about a LONG time to do any of that.


This movie was just so bad. I mean, he is on titan now and (it's exactly the point you made) now what? Bad bad bad.


Exactly. They literally created a being that was better suited for earth. They made it so he seemed to need less food, less water and by the looks of it, could survive pretty much anywhere on earth. His eyesight would mean we would need less lights, less food usage, clothing gone, just so much shit that was using resources.

Yet they want to go to a planet that essentially has no resources for us to use and we would have to send there.


I came to this board to ask the exact same question lol


Yeah, the movie stumbles badly in the final third.

Did the wife not expect that he was going to be eventually unrecognizable?

In the end, he willing goes to Titan anyway, leaving his family behind. So why all the drama with the army and Wilkinson's character chasing him down, trying to erase his memory? It might have actually been more merciful on him to have forgotten his family.

Standing butt-naked on Titan and doing a Matrix/Neo-style swoop at the end with his flying squirrel wings... Looked cool and all, but what's the plan? Is he supposed to terraform the planet, erect shelters, what? He doesn't appear to have any engineering or scientific support at hand.


Couldn't agree more. This started to become a train-wreck the last 1/3 of the film. Actually, once he "transforms," the movie goes to complete crap and makes no sense at all. I was also confused as to whether Tally killed her husband or did the military do it in an attempt to kill her?

It's too bad because I thought the premise was really interesting.



According to IMDB trivia this could be the book you are looking for:

"The plot of this movie has similarities with Frederik Pohl's novel Man Plus. In the book, a soldier is modified to become a cyborg in the attempt to conquer Mars."

Think I will read it, but I hope it is more thought out than this film. Which is an absolute mess!


Not sure. I don't recognize the story as described in the Wikipedia article about this book, but the cover seems familiar. As I remember it, it was more of a suspense/political thriller as someone tries to sabotage the program.

I remember one distinct bit where the protagonist's eyes are engineered to see in infrared wavelengths. It becomes an important plot development later on when he is able to detect a character is lying by seeing how flushed their face becomes in IR.

All I could think was: "Cool. This guy would be able to SEE farts!"
