MovieChat Forums > Moonlight (2016) Discussion > the mother steals the film

the mother steals the film

paula the mother steals the film , she is the real deal


Yeah, when I walked out I figured Naomi Harris had the best chance of scoring some awards recognition and so far she's been getting some nominations. I think she deserves to win to but has Viola Davis standing in her way, which isn't all that fair since Davis should be a Best Actress nominee.

Trying to create a channel based on interpreting, reviewing, and even giving you something to laugh about film. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance.

Review of the film here-


great review


Naomie Harris the ONLY good thing about Moonlight her incredible performance. Unfortunately I can see the Oscars giving Viola Davis the award but I do not agree with it. Davis is committing voter fraud she is CHEATING. Voter fraud does not always work. Helen Hunt tried it a few years ago with the Sessions. Hunt the female lead and her studio tried the supporting actress category yet she LOST. I sincerely hope someone other than Viola Davis wins. She doesn't deserve the Oscar she should be in the best actress category.


The whole cast in this movie is really good, but yeah Naomi Harris really kills it with one of the best performances of the year. I'll be super shocked if she doesn't receive an Oscar nomination.

Moonlight Review:


I thought she did good. I knew she wasn't American so I'll admit I may've been overly critical about the accent. She makes up for it though with her intensity and emotions.


She was great. But am i the only one who was captivated by the middle Black (Ashton Sanders)? His performance was too real for me.


I agree about Paula and the middle black. I thought the older black looked like 50 cent! And I could have done without Theresa. Although attractive and sweet, she didn't add much to the dialogue. I understand why they needed her character though.


The way the middle black was walking through the corridors at his school... You could feel his pain. Also agree about Theresa.

The moment when older black picks up the phone and is immediately transported back to the same person he was before. That was truly beautiful.
