Only real alternative is TMDb (The Movie database)
It's proper movie database like IMDb, so every movie or TV show has its own page with information and EACH movie or tv show has their own forums (top left bubble icon or bottom of page next to Reviews), no lame subreddit or generic forums which popped out in last few days can match that.
On top of that you can easily export your ratings and watchlist in IMDb in bottom of each list to CSV and easily import from these files both into your new TMDb account.
Plus TMDb is around since 2008 edited by its own users unlike those forums mentioned by you created in last week, which will very quickly fade, since they don't contain discussions for each movie and database with information. On top they also break rules of freeforums for hosting pornography and will be shutdown very fast if someone will report it to freeforums admins.
There is also Chrome browser extension to backup all your posts, though there is no way to import them automatically to TMDb, you can copypaste whatever you find worth posting there.