My understanding was that he got a low rent agreement on the shop from her dad for 10 years in return for stepping up and taking the charge. Wifey was just at the beginning of her career and this would have ended it for her, thus Chip taking the heat was the best option for the couple at that time (moneywise).
The stool is a common metaphor in recovery circles, and is often represented by a triangle in a circle. Unity, Recovery, Service (URS) aka U R Sick, and Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness (HOW) and probably a slew of others I've forgotten. I was thinking that his "new type of stool" was going to be symbolic in some way and maybe it was just something they didn't get around to (or had to drop) in the storyline. I remember when My Name is Earl came out, and I always had the feeling that it was originally going to be a man in recovery making amends for his past transgressions, but then a studio suit got involved and changed it to a lost lottery ticket. The problem with recovery-based shows is that if done well and accurately, they have a limited audience which gets the jokes, so they water it down to make it more accessible, but then it becomes indistinguishable from everything else. I did like the "you have a platitude problem" line instead of you have an attitude problem. That was actually new to me.
I think my percentage of Chimp DNA is higher than others. Cleaver Greene