Really holding out on M. Night saving his career with THIS IDEA!
So, people are saying the last 60 seconds are great? I've been hearing sup'm 'bout an Unbreakable cameo!
This is it. If this is true, this is it.
An end to M. Night making sh-t. An end to all of his terrible films being mocked.
He said he said he said he wanted an Unbreakable TV series.
He said he said he said he wanted to make Labor of Love, which has been in development hell for twenty years, it's still cast with Bruce Willis.
He's only ever made good movies with Bruce Willis.
Everybody wants an Unbreakable sequel because it's a good movie.
He said, lying, that he will do a sh-tty sequel to the horrible fuvking Airbender live-action film.
Piece it together!
And I will sh-t in my pants when I learn it's true, maybe twice because I MIGHT SEE THAT IT'S TRUE. Once or twice. BUT IT'LL HAPPEN EITHER IF THERE IS AN UNBREAKABLE CAMEO WITH WILLIS (I hope, they seem to have a good relationship) or even if it's actually a good twist for once. Or he'll break his cycle and not have a twist.
He won't regret it.