I'm starting an apology tour for our dear, dimwitted, egopathic "president. Yes, I made that word up just for him. World, I want you to know that many of us know what a horrible contemptuous, psychopathic child this reality tv star turned president is. I for one would do anything to get him out of the whitehouse. Alas, my hands are tied, along with everyone else's. I know that we have a reputation for being stuck up, snotty little knowitall, ego maniacs (indeed we do have our share) but please believe me, Trump does not represent who we are. He was put in office by angry dumb people who would rather see the rest of the world get pooped on, just as long as they get there jobs back. They are so desperate to work again (yes desperation had a lot to do with this) that they were willing to make a deal with the devil (who knew the devil was such a stupid, vindictive, whiney bitch) just so they can work again and stop losing there jobs to "foreigners". My point is this: most of us know what a pathetic, evil, malicious cancer Trump is and it is torture to have him as the face of our country. TORTURE, I say, It is humiliating that he must confirm for you, the rest of the world, that we are in fact egocentric, small minded, walking jokes. I implore you to look past this "president", Hold your breath for 4 years, it will be over and we can resume with dignity again. THIS is NOT "US". Please try not to judge us by him...
Trump is the best POTUS since Reagan and well on his way to becoming one of the best ever. Which is nice considering Obongo was literally the worst President in the history of America.
I am no Donald Trump supporter but the trolls on the Internet are MUCH worse than him. He is a manifestation of that. He is not some anomaly. He represents the beliefs and attitudes of A LOT of people out there. Don't apologize for Donald Trump. Get off your high horse. The worlds issue are MUCH deeper than just one man..
I am not on a high horse. I just wanted to send a message to whomever might read this in other countries that though he may have his supporters, many Americans do not agree with him and thinks that he's garbage. #notmypresident
I only say you're on a high horse because it's the liberal thing to do lately. It's just pissing off conservatives who are then empowering Trump. Let's stop making it about US vs THEM, #notmypresident talk, protests that accomplish NOTHING, etc. WHAT is causing this disconnect between us all? Let's focus on that. What do we do? I have no clue...
OP: NOT impressed, actually I am offended. People in other countries are not brain dead. And as someone else already stated, YOU are far worse than Trump. Get a life moron.
You should apologize, because people like you are what created an atmosphere that led to an absolute humiliation for the Democratic party by losing Congress, Senate, and the White House all in one loud swipe.
The Democratic party has totally lost touch with the average working class, going as far as painting them all with a broad brush as racist, backwards, xenophobic, etc.
Go back and look at Bill Clinton's speeches and policies on immigration. It's almost an exact duplicate of what Trump says, and Clinton got a standing ovation when he made it. Now, Trump gives that same speech and is a racist xenophobe. That's how far off the deep end the left has gone.
The average working class family doesn't want your globalist, open-borders agenda because it's absolutely idiotic. It doesn't make them hillbillies or xenophobic, they simply have seen (no matter how hard the media tries to hide it) the widespread negative effects these open border mass-immigration policies have had in places like Germany. We didn't want Hillary leading us, because we didn't want Merkel 2.0. We didn't want 8 more years of leftism that would have been even worse than Obama.
People who simply want to work hard, keep their rights, keep their country safe, and live the American dream are now all painted as deplorable by the left. You really think you can just judge and insult that huge group of people and not face any consequences? They all got tired of it, and this is the backlash you all deserve for your high and mighty attitude and virtue signaling.
It's sad that none of you learned a thing from the absolute slaughter you faced in the general election. Hillary was given anywhere between 80 and 95+% chance to win that election and she got stomped. Now these same idiots are out attacking people, burning and looting and rioting, and protesting everything whether it makes complete sense or is actually something worth protesting.
So, keep up your apology tour, because it really is your fault and those who think like you. Maybe somewhere along the lines during the next four years you leftists will grow up and learn that there might just be a reason for the way the other side thinks, and that it's not just a case of half the country being racist, backwards morons.
Until then, all you are doing is setting yourselves up for a second term of Trump. And yeah, you can laugh at that notion all you want. You sure as heck did the first time, and you got stomped. Just don't be so surprised if you don't change your ways and it happens all over again in 4 years.
The left refuses to step back and make a real anaysis of what happened.
What did they do that could have possibly lead to someone like Donald Trump being elected.
They say it is just the racist xenophic deplorables but where were these racist wenophobic deplorable in 2008 and 2012 FFS?
They MADE these racist xenophobic deplorables and they continue to make more racist xenophibic deplorables on a daily basis.
FFS people are proudly claiming their deplorableness.
Get a grip lefties or you WILL see, even if he only does a mediocre job at best, another 4 years of Trump. I have no reservations telling you this because you will not listen to it.
Just imagine if the media had been as diligent ove the last 8 years as they have been over the last 3 weeks.
We may have had one Obama term but certainly not two. AND we would NOT have Trump now.
They did it to themselves and don't even know it. They continue to look at current polling as being indicative of Trump's unpopularity but refuse to factor in the VERY same behavior that caused everyone to be wrong in November.
Never does it dawnon them that with almost universal media hatred of Trump and a solid half-dozen terribly negative stories about him on a dailiy basis he STILL has an approval rating in the high 40s.
DO they really think that had they treated Onbama the same way that they treat Trump that he would have had such high numbers?
They just can't help themselves and I for one (of many), love to see them continue down this path.
This is why they are shutting down the boards. Nutjobs like you and the morons that respond have plenty of political forums but you chose to come here and troll. All of you are diseased