MovieChat Forums > Split (2017) Discussion > And... Shyamalan still sucks.

And... Shyamalan still sucks.

Can anyone explain to me why people consider this to be M. Night's return to form? All I saw was a badly written, uninteresting and clichéd thriller, the type of which has been dominating the marketplace for the last two decades or so. The characters weren't interesting, the bad guy is utter crud, the DID was used more as a gimmick than a good plot device, subplots go nowhere, the editing is utter crud and it becomes a really daft monster movie at the end. Not to mention the Unbreakable connection at the end of the film drove me up the wall. So not only is M. Night making awful film after awful film, he's ruining his prior ones in order to do so. This movie sucks, and so does M. Night Shyamalan at this point. Barely anything worthwhile since Signs, and this is the best he can do? Really? This movie sucked.


Sorry you didn't like it.

Are you excited for the new Gorillaz album this year?

Less than forget. But more than begun.


Hell yeah! I wasn't sure about Hallelujah Money, but still excited for the album nonetheless.


OP: i'm with you in the minority group, it's a tough group to be in but it is what it is

so many movies, so little time


Why is it tough?

You have your opinion, other people have theirs. You shouldn't worry that much about what other people think.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


I'm also in the minority group, I thought this film was terrible. The atmosphere was so stale and lifeless, I didn't feel a single bit of tension or sense of dread.

If other people like it then I'm not bothered by it, I just genuinely don't understand it.


I didn't feel a single bit of tension or sense of dread.


I thought it was McAvoy, who's a great actor, don't get me wrong, but he's just not creepy or threatening to me.
I don't know, I couldn't quite buy the whole story.

And yes there was no creepy factor and it wasn't even scary at all. The only gruesome thing was when he was eating them alive but that wasn't even shown out front.

It just felt kinda dumb to me.

I dunno, maybe a different creepier actor would've sold it more?

Oh yeah, and that Casey girl annoyed me to no end.


Glad I'm not the only one.


Can anyone explain to me why people consider this to be M. Night's return to form?

They don't. He'd already had a huge critical and commercial success with the first season of Wayward Pines and then he released The Visit, which was his best received film in over a decade and was a box-office success. Whatever form he had he'd already reclaimed it before this movie was even released.

The rest of your post is just you spouting off your opinion, which is fine, but so subjective and personal to you that there's no point even engaging with it.




Good point. Though to be fair I still hear people that regardless. On The Visit, that movie sucks too and I haven't seen Wayward Pines enough to comment. And I have no problem with alternate opinions to my own.


It seems to me that you went watching this film with the preconceived idea that M. Night sucks and this movie would probably be bad, so you were already predisposed to hate it.


I was hoping he wouldn't suck any more...turns out he sucks more than ever. It's like a child wrote this, certainly not an adult that wrote stuck great movies so long ago


Wrong. I think M. Night is a very good director and has made some good films too. I don't go into his films with the intent of hating them, especially with the positive reception this and The Visit got, both awful BTW. I want to like him again, but he keeps screwing up. And for someone who claims I was predisposed to hate Split, can you refute any of my criticisms of it?


I can't wait to go watch your new movie in the theater this weekend.

Oh wait...


So you're saying I shouldn't criticise a *beep* movie because I'm not a filmmaker? Not only is that a dumb argument, it's inheritingly dumb on a site like this. So tell me dummy, if non-filmmakers shouldn't criticise bad films, why do you on a website that involves movie criticism? I'm allowed to criticise M Night's rubbish as much as I like.


This movie is garbage. It's a basic horror film with no twist involved. Might please some teenage girls aur a sleepover but other than that who in their right mind would enjoy this trash


I can tell you why I consider this a return to form for M. Night Shyamalan:

M. Night Shyamalan has now made more bad movies than he's made good ones. Sixth Sense was great. Unbreakable was very good. Nothing else he's done has even come close to those movies; everything else has been either average, forgettable, or outright awful. People make the mistake of thinking his high points are his natural "form" because they're the movies that made his name. The simple truth is that Shyamalan is a mediocre director. And Split is a mediocre movie.

The twist (or whatever you want to call it) at the end served no purpose other than to get people talking about a movie that they otherwise would have forgotten about the moment they left the cinema. It was just a cheap trick from a director who we shouldn't really expect anything better from.


It was just a cheap trick from a director who we shouldn't really expect anything better from.

It's almost like his goal is for his films to make money or something.

Less than forget. But more than begun.


It's almost like his goal is for his films to make money or something.

What's your point?


You know why Sixth Sense and Unbreakable were sort of decent? He had minders from the studio ironing out the kinks of his films. After his movies started making more money and he became a proven director, he got more control over his final product, hence why his later movies were total garbage.

The studio obviously wasn't confident in this film, hence why Shyamalan's name was never mentioned in the trailers, why it was released in January, and why they have shills all over these boards lying their tails off.


Totally agree, eddie052010.

In fact I don't think M. Night made a great film since Sixth Sense. He peaked with that film and he's been riding the wave of fame and money off of that great one ever since.
