So who's gay?
Future episode synopsis says that one of the family members are "in the closet." It better not be the character played by Lamman Rucker.
shareFuture episode synopsis says that one of the family members are "in the closet." It better not be the character played by Lamman Rucker.
shareTye White, Desiree Ross o Dreborah Joy Winans.
shareFirst impression + gut + gaydar + girlfriend had to invite herself to sleep over x a grown-ass man with gray in his beard "saving himself for marriage" = Noah.
Although, in fairness, I don't think his boner was acting. Neither was mine when she was kissing his belly
Nope it's Kevin. I got the DL vibe on the first episode and now him and the white guy who's getting the church space were making googly eyes. Kevin is attractive IMO so I get the vibe.
shareAll the men are attractive.
I have to watch online, so I have to wait another half hour until the broadcast episode ends.
Kevin is going to hookup with Jeffrey from The Haves and The Havenots. Lol
shareAll of them are. Oprah's going to come out first.
I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP! - Daniel Plainview - There Will Be Blood
It's the guy who was singing to his wife at the club. And then the gay couple sent them over some shots. They could clearly see the truth about him and he also has a crush on the white guy helping him in the outreach program. And the thing that's really bad about it is he and his wife are trying to have a baby. So he is using her as his beard and we all know that eventually he is going to give into who he really is and end up being with the guy from the program.