Shut my door please

Is it me, or are teenagers so rude these days? Maybe I'm old school, but back in the day I couldn't tell my mother to "shut my door" while she was talking to me. And it wouldn't have mattered if I had stuck on "please" to it, because it wasn't just what was said, but how it was said. And back in the day, that would have been considered rude. And my mother wasn't having that.

The teenagers today can lock their doors, push their parents out of their room, tell the parents to stay out or to knock before entering (that gives them the time to stash their weed or cigarettes or condoms or whatever else they're hiding before the parents come in). Well we would not have gotten that chance to hide a damm thing. And I tell you I turned out great, and so did my other 6 siblings. Teens these days are allowed too many privileges and the parents think that they're giving them or teaching them "independence", when they're rearing a bunch of rude, disobedient children who are given their own way too early and don't know how to handle that kind of freedom. That's my rant.

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


Spot on!

I cringed when I heard that line. Probably threw in there intentionally to contrast Gigi and her relationship with her daughter versus other greenleaf family members and their kids


Thanks bossat

Teenage love affairs are about intensity, not longevity


I thought it was me. I was like really. I said these teens are off the hook and the parents have lost respect from their children yet providing them with so much more of the better things in life. What's wrong with this picture? If it was me she wouldn't have a door lol.


All of you are fight, but I especially agree that I'd have gotten me a screwdriver and taken that door fight down. As for why kids are ruder's the PARENTS!!


I thought some non-black writers penned that scene. Growing up, white characters on tv were the ONLY people I ever saw behaving like that. Oh yes, and those cutting up at the grocery store!
