I have some questions about this show. I am by no means any astrophysicist - the extent of my knowledge is pretty much confined to reading the Martian - but there are just some things I don't get on this show. Can someone explain to me what I missed? Are these not feasible for some reason?
1. Why didn't they have medical equipment at the ship? If I recalll correctly, they had to go to the base camp 75km for the supplies after the commander got hurt. Wouldn't there at least be some on the ship in the event there is an emergency during the voyage?
2. Wouldn't they have already picked a spot for the habitat ahead of the trip rather than waiting until they landed and THEN looking for it? In the show, the sister found the lava hole via satellite. Isn't this something they should have done already?
3. Can drones fly on Mars? Dumb question I know but is there enough air to let them fly?
4. Speaking of drones, why didn't they send those down the hole rather than a person?
5. The astronauts seemed to fall apart quickly when things went wrong. Don't they test for this i training? Like the ones who freak out are eliminated?
6. Also, why did the astronaut in the hole take off her tether? She could have fallen off the cliff but least would have had a safety harness!
Sorry if these are dumb questions but they're kind of nagging me so if someone could explain that would be great!!