Two months without any kind of power? GTFO here!
Get the f@ck outta here! Do you know what a ridiculous amount of batteries that would take - and how much they would weigh? And how much it would cost to launch all of that to Mars?
They would have batteries that would last a few days, a week at most. They would specifically only have that little in power reserves because they had the nuclear fission power. There would be no need to have reserves that would last months.
And because of the necessity of the nuclear power, and because of what happened on the show, for exactly the reason that it did happen, they would have sent four people - or more - out to do the work on the cables to the nuclear fission plant. This would be so that the other pair could reconnect the power lines and ensure that the base would still have power. This was a mission-critical task - they wouldn't just let two people handle it.
Plus, a dust storm that just snuck up on them? In The Martian, they did that as a plot device to get the rest of the movie going. We know that that's IMPOSSIBLE. But they don't need to repeat that incorrect science again here.
I won't even mention the stupidity of a guy being able to open a door directly to the outside without the people in the control center being able to override him and keep that door locked.
Soooooo moronic.
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.