MovieChat Forums > Mars (2016) Discussion > How would society progress?

How would society progress?

It would start out as commune / communistic type society I would think. Everyone would need to contribute what they could and take what they need at the beginning at least. At what point could an entrepreneur flourish?
As more people arrived to the colony what service / product might be among the first offered?


The first guy to figure out how to shut off everyone else's air starts charging for it.


That would seem to be kind of criminal. I was thinking about something in short supply. Sex. The world's oldest profession might be Mar''s first


Agreed, the first commodity up for trade will be the oldest. Sex sells... even on Mars.


second oldest profession, oldest would be whatever the person did to pay the prostitute


Great point, dpatel!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


That's an interesting point, it would seem unlikely they would have currency. But they could barter. "I'll give you a cupcake for a Bee-Jay"


Excellent question and a great opportunity for an interesting discussion.
I would agree that one of the first trades that would take place would be sex in exchange of something. (For example.- "You be my servant for 24 hours" or something like that.
But one thing they have really missed an opportunity to present in this show, is for a woman giving birth to a child in Mars. (Maybe I am jumping to the last episode I don´t know.) But, so far, they have been 4 YEARS in Mars, AND NO BABY BORN YET???
And this baby would be the first authentic Martian, imagine that!!!!


i think this is going to come up, they made a point of highlighting the relationship between the psychologist and the guy that was the original electrician


I agree with you, that´s probably coming.
But 4 years seems too long to me. (Unrealistic?)
If the point is to colonize Mars, THEN GET GOING, hehehe


Almost certainly some form of socialism. At first there would be no money. Prostitution would certainly NOT be the first form of trade. That would come much later a century or so when the colony grew to such a size that you had those without jobs. You could however have sex as a form of payment or trade or even entertainment there would be no worry of STD's and everyone on contraceptives you could see a lot of free love going around. Probably food, entertainment (books movies games etc.) or work shifts would be first.

The most valuable items would be things brought from earth as personal items. things you can't get at the colony. Food, chocolate for example, books, movies, a steak or port chop could be priceless.

Babies would come later when you have a safe stable place to live. You would need a large enough colony to support a mother and child. And they would need a private quarters so they did not disrupted the entire colony. Try spending a four hour flight with a baby who will not stop screaming, and you could smell the soiled diaper the entire flight. I think the idiot mother checked all the diapers. Now image a very confined colony?


The first arrivers would prob be like a vecation spot for the vevry rich 1% of the world. Or the first Mars cemetary, That would be a good ongoing buissines.
