Did Ron Just

kill himself? He wasn't happy playing Benny the Mailman and was trying to get away from that and the episode before the finale he said that the skating rink was where he felt the happiest. He tries to quiet playing Benny and instead gets a spinoff show. I feel like the only way he could have gotten out of it was to kill himself.


I don't think he did it on purpose?

I just got done watching that. Great show, ended on a bummer for Ron though unfortunately.
I hope we get another season.


I agree. Also the fact he was new to drugs. The finale last 5 minutes were emotional, at least for me. I could not stop crying; he had his whole life ahead of him.


Yes, but he’d been pissing that life away for several previous episodes. Johnny Carson even told him that he’d “commit[ed] suicide” when he insulted his own TV show on The Tonight Show. He continually rejected career opportunities he was presented, he made his agent drop him. He was literally dying up there, because he wasn’t strong enough to be able to live with fame.
