[purple]Does the sterilization process affect a current pregnancy? I was thinking that it would be a great plot twist for Michele to arrive already be pregnant. [/purp[purple]
share[purple]Does the sterilization process affect a current pregnancy? I was thinking that it would be a great plot twist for Michele to arrive already be pregnant. [/purp[purple]
shareThat's a good theory I guess hmmm
shareFunny I was wondering the same thing
shareInteresting idea. It's possible it could make her miscarry but I bet it wouldn't. Instead she'd either be expected to abort or they'd send the kid Inland. I mean I'm sure they've had to deal with that kind of things before. But that would definitely throw a wrench in Ezequiel's heavily implied plan to groom Michele as his future successor, and it would painfully remind him of his wife all in one shot.