3% is heaven
I think the show is a comment on the concept of heaven. Only the "worthy" 3% get to go to this paradise based on merit. The other 97% are on the Inland, living in "hell". The Process is judgement day.
The commentary the show makes is that this idea of the 3% as worthy of living in paradise/heaven while everyone else suffers, is the same as how religion has those deemed "good" going to heaven, while everyone else who wasn't deemed worthy enough going to hell.
When you think about it, how can those who are deemed worthy be fine with leaving everyone else they grew up with, loved and cared for, for the first 20 years of their lives behind? With no way to contact them? How can this be right? Just as with heaven...how can it be heaven if you are fine with just leaving everyone else to suffer? Your mother, father, siblings, etc.?
We even have Fernando's father as a pastor, preaching about the Process.
This is what I took away from the show.