The final twist(?) SPOILERS
So, apparently the big twist in the end is that you can't have children if you get to the offshore.
Now, is it me or did anyone else realised this very early on in the series? In fact, when I started watching, I assumed that their are no children in offshore or even if people offshore have children, they were raised inland. The reasons are:
1. The Process wouldn't be fair if you can just be born into it
2. Mathematically, you can't maintain the 3% number if you let people offshore reproduce and then also add 3% of the inland population every year.
3. If the whole fabric of offshore society is based on the fact that only the best of the best get in, then obviously you can't have children grow up there since there is no way to ensure that your children grow to be the best of the best.
In fact, the first time a character mentions having children after getting Offshore (can't remember exactly when or which episode), I just found the notion odd - I thought it was a plot hole.
Did anyone else feel that the "twist" wasn't really a twist?