Opening credits show too much

I avoid trailers for movies I know I will see and am very exited about. So I went into this pretty blind to everything except the ankle breaking jump. The film makers didn't want me to get away with avoiding glimpses of the future. They insisted that I have moments of the movie spoiled. They already had me there in the seat in the theater; Already got my money. So there in the opening credits is a montage of the action scenes coming in the movie. They cliff-notes you right away. Why? Why would they do that?

Action wise, this is a good MI movie. But the script and often the plot are low tier by the franchise standards.

7.9/10 (I want to rank it less for the irritating directorial decision on that intro)


I may as well just go to the movie for the opening credits. No point of sitting in the theater for three hours.


I believe all the previous Mission Impossible movies did this too with the opening credits or a few of them. I think the TV show also did it. It's kind of this series/franchise's thing. Not sure if I want to call it a trademark or something since other TV shows and movies may do something similar. I want to say some of the James Bond movies also did it.


Wow. And it took me this long to get chapped by spoiler opening? Maybe I didn't like it before but forgot by the end of my viewing experience. I felt less engaged by this one than any of the rest so perhaps that is why I remember this time. I'm not alone in my hate of spoilers. Surely others are irritated by it.
Now that you mention it, I do remember that from the series but those clips seemed less spoiler-y since they were not big action scenes and thus reliant on context.


I honestly didn't notice it. I enjoy all the MI movies, and this one was just as good as the others! These are the best action movies, IMO.


People complain about the weirdest things.


It's my most hated opening technique of all time. Made me crazy when they started doing that before the DVD menu. Before you can even press play, here's all the best parts of the movie!

I like it when the credit opening scenes are made from the previous films so you get a punchy sense of all the action that got us to where we are now. That's the right way to do it.


I knew they would do that so looked away when the opening credits rolled...
