MovieChat Forums > Danger Close (2017) Discussion > Alex Quade, Alex Quade, Alex Quade, Alex...

Alex Quade, Alex Quade, Alex Quade, Alex Quade

I found this documentary to be as much about its creator (Alex Quade) as it was about the soldiers it portrayed. Unfortunately, this is in my opinion the weak spot of the film. It would have been so much better to have the interviews with Alex Quade (yes the filmmaker chose to include interviews with herself) exchanged with interviews with the soldiers instead. Take Alex Quade out of the picture and it's a decent war documentary. To be honest, I don't think she had material enough, hence the inclusion of herself telling us about what happened when she couldn't be there. Further proof of this are reused sequences and the inclusion of blurry and shaky material. If you haven't seen many contemporary war documentaries, skip this one and go for the other ones. This one you can watch later if you can't get enough of them.
