MovieChat Forums > The Detour (2016) Discussion > Delilah's bitch slap, throat punch, kick...

Delilah's bitch slap, throat punch, kick the nuts

If I had a daughter that is what I'm going to encourage her to do.


Zac Diegelman was the boy who got his nuts kicked. What did he do to deserve that!? (only saw the end of the episode).


It's been a while so my memory is vague but I think he grabbed her pubescent boob while they kissed.


I just rewatched it on-demand. The boy and Delilah peck kiss each other on the lips, he then proceed to grab her head with both hands and pulls her toward him for more. But she reacts by pushing him away, then with a throat punch, and finally a kick to his groin.


Thanks for the information! Pretty harsh! They were talking like he deserved what he got, so he must've been playing up throughout the episode too.


Too bad the females that Trump groped, grabbed and raped didn't react the same way. He never would have become president because they would have put him in his place. Instead, they let him get away with it and then he won the votes of the majority of uneducated women. My gender let America down. Sad.

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈
