MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Discussion > Will Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom sadl...

Will Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom sadly only finish 4th in the DOMESTIC box office?

At the start of the year I assumed JW:FK would challenge for the number 1 crown in the DOMESTIC box office. At the moment it has no chance catching up to the INSANE totals of Black Panther and Infinity War with Incredibles 2 now looking to record MASSIVE numbers themselves and shockingly push JW:FK to 4th place. Together with the average reviews and so-so marketing, is anyone else worried it might not come anywhere close to the first Jurassic World in the box office?


Nah. The movie itself is great. Ofc its never going to beat the first Jurassic Park, but I really liked it. Word of mouth and the fans will get this movie up. I hope I'm right. If not then JW3 is going to have to win people back.


I too hope it'll do well! I'll be seeing it once it comes out over here and judge it for myself but I do generally like all the JP/JW movies.


From what I heard, it was worse than the original Jurassic World. It starts of decent in the beginning then completely falls flat throughout to the end. Just read some of reviews before seeing it. I too am seeing it but I'm not going in hyped about it nor expect it to be any better than the others if not worse. I'm going in cause of the dinos but that's pretty much it.


It sucks that USA guys get to see it so late. Makes having conversations about it kinda hard.
The thing with this movie is that its tonally basically 2 movies. First haf is different than second half. I have spoken to alot of people and most people like the second half better than the first. But there are also alot of people who have the opposite. I thought both halves were great. Its hard to compare it to the first JW because the movie is sooo different from JW. It feels more like a JP5 than JW2, in regards to story.

They also take some aspects in a different direction that I myself didnt expect they would do. It just a very bold movie in some aspects but also very traditional in others. The villains aren't so good. But for me, thats the background. It has some story elements from The Lost World. I think if you liked JW and TLW then you should be fine. I love each and every JP/JW movie so for me its easy to like an entry in the franchise. As long as they don't do stupid shit (like military dino's and war) then I like it.

The main story is very predictable though, especially if you have seen all the trailers. It sucks that they spoiled the movie so badly, but thats the business nowadays. JW3 will be tonally different again so even if you weren't that happy with this movie, the next one could be amazing for you. Atleast the franchise is breathing again. I do hope they make spinoffs or more movies after JW3. Maybe a prequel set before JP1? There are some things they could explore that happen in Fallen Kingdom.


Tbh I’ve only seen 2 trailers and that’s about it. These days I’m going in with low expectations unless it’s an MCU where I’m weak and will watch almost every TV Spot/trailer. I find going in with low expectations thus less spoilers makes for a better experience.


Will Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom sadly only finish 4th in the DOMESTIC box office?


sounds about right....

But to be honest , it was expected...If you look at the history of films that opened Over 200 Million + domestically....Shier sequels have all had Big declines ...

Avengers 1 made 620 M....AOU made 459

Force Awakens made 900 M+.....TLJ made 620 M

Furious 7 made 1.5 Billion WW and Part 8 Made 1.2 and had Huge Declines domestically....

Basically If your Opening over 200 Million and making over 1.5 Billion WW....LIGHTNING is striking and everything is going Perfect....Its almost impossible to replicate that success again....

I've been predicting JW2 to open around 135 to 160 M and between 380 to 440 Million domestically for a year now, Its just a Normal estimate based on everything we know about sequels that follow 200 Million + openers...

JW2 Will be a huge hit, But its just not going to get close to the success of the JW1....

I remember arguing with Queen about BOTH DP2 and JW2, where he was arguing DP2 was easily going to top DP1 in every way and I was arguing DP2 Would Decline in every way, I told him I just dont see any way DP2 can replicate the success of DP1, DP1 was a perfect storm , Its not going to be possible to get that kinda hype again, I expected DP2 to Decline on OW, Domestically and WW(not a Massive amount but Notable)...

I argued the same thing with JW2, he expects JW2 to open between 185 to 200 Million...and make over 1.6 B....and I just dont see any way that happens....that would mean JW1 basically had almost the exact same success as JW1, and there just is No history of that happening...

The ONLY example of a sequel Matching or exceeding the success of a 200 M+ opener is Avengers IW....and thats the 3rd film and It featuring every superhero in MCU and was Marketed Not as a sequel but as The culmination of 18 films....

JW2 IMO is going to at least be the 4th highest Grossing film domestically...It Will make between 380 to 440 M domestically....and I think Its going make somewhere between 1.280 to 1.4 Billion WW

A Huge HIt.....but clear Declines and it will be clear The franchise just isnt going to be able to hit or replicate JW1s heights again....

JW2 is currently having Slight declines in Most Overseas Markets, Except for China....

JW1 made 230 Million total In China, I expect JW2 to make 280 to 300 Million in China...

given the slight declines in almost all other overseas Markets, This will probably lead to JW2 making close to about the same amount overseas, It should make between 900 to 1 Billion Overseas and then between 380 to 440 M domestically for a total between 1.280 to 1.4 Billion


Yeah, JW1 is the definition of a lightning in a bottle situation. TI2 opening that big means it's a event film and is unfortunately for JW2 one of the worse things that could happen to it's box office potential. We'll see what happens next week.


To be fair, who cares about yet another Jurassic Park film? You can watch one of the previous films again if you want to see a bunch of CGI-created dinosaurs running around. It's refreshing to see some original and well-made films atop the box office for a change, so for the sake of quality film-making in years to come let's hope this new dinosaur film finishes even lower than 4th.


Although JW can’t compare to the high quality Marvel or Pixar films, I still find them enjoyable. Maybe it might be better than expected.


So if we are only talking about domestic box office...sure...maybe this comes in 3rd or 4th for the year. The jury is still out on Incredibles 2 as far as it's future holds and legs but at a budget of only 170 million it was much cheaper to produce than those other three films and worldwide it will definitely make more than Incredibles 2 and most probably Black Panther. The lower budget will help it become more profitable than either of those films as well( which is what really counts in this business.


The fact that JW2 is competing with TI2 instead of Infinity War for 3rd or 4th is pretty unreal. I’m not entirely sure on JW2 beating TI2/BP worldwide but we’ll know after this weekend. Unfortunately, it won’t come anywhere close to making the mega profits of the first one which makes me sad for future instalments :(
