Jurassic best to worst

JP (the all time unbeatable classic like Jaws was to its sequels)

JW:FK (1st half is like a better version of Lost World with abit of JPIII. but 2nd half is like a gothic house hammer horror with some really creepy & lol moments. way better than JW imo)

JW (was ok but could never watch it again and pretty sure only seen it twice in total)

JP:TLW (so disappointing, that summer of 97 - Batman&Robin & this)

JPIII (actually think I prefer JPIII to TLW..)


JW: Very good rewatch factor. Interestin plot
JP3: It wuz fun and welcome return of Neil, plus flyin dinoz
JP: Very good movie but watched too many timez and not much rewatch factor
JP2: There were some momentz like encounter wid poacherz, boat crashin, and Rex comin out of boat but overall dull
JW2: Some1 sed it, dis is rehash of LW. Team gatherin, poacherz, dinoz in town. Really borin. Creaturez invadin cities too cliched. I like when they stick 2 island or park. Pure escapism.
