I like how they got in a lot of her character and backstory, subtly playing it that's she a lesbian although they implied she was kicked out of the marines because of her mental health, not because of 'don't ask, don't tell' which kind of annoys me but I can understand the decision.
The things with her relationship with her dad and her sister was good too, they showed and set up a lot in such a small amount of time.
(Batwing, I never really liked, he seems pretty superfluous in the comics and in this movie. I think he's just in the comics as Batgirl's boyfriend now, besides I much preferred the David Zavimbe version)
I'm hoping it sets up a Batwoman animated film/series. Would be good to see her fight alongside Renee/The Question against Alice and the religion of Crime.
I know it's a huge ask, but if the artwork was similar to JH Williams III, that would be incredible.
It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...