
I like how they got in a lot of her character and backstory, subtly playing it that's she a lesbian although they implied she was kicked out of the marines because of her mental health, not because of 'don't ask, don't tell' which kind of annoys me but I can understand the decision.

The things with her relationship with her dad and her sister was good too, they showed and set up a lot in such a small amount of time.

(Batwing, I never really liked, he seems pretty superfluous in the comics and in this movie. I think he's just in the comics as Batgirl's boyfriend now, besides I much preferred the David Zavimbe version)

I'm hoping it sets up a Batwoman animated film/series. Would be good to see her fight alongside Renee/The Question against Alice and the religion of Crime.

I know it's a huge ask, but if the artwork was similar to JH Williams III, that would be incredible.

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


I'm hoping it sets up a Batwoman animated film/series. Would be good to see her fight alongside Renee/The Question against Alice and the religion of Crime.

I know it's a huge ask, but if the artwork was similar to JH Williams III, that would be incredible.

And here is that moment that I wish I could 'Like' IMDb posts. And I would create multiple accounts just to add more upvotes.



Vote for more underwear fight scenes! Maybe lesbian vs lesbian?! Batwoman vs the Sorority Sisters of Gotham U, Top Heavy House? LOL. Lingerie party disguise?


'she a lesbian' I think she's bi when bat wing turns up she say's hello nurse, that's a phrase you you when you like the look of someone.


I thought she was just talking about his suit.

She's definitely a lesbian.

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


Batwoman is a truly lame character. More animated movies with her?

NO thanks...

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Batwoman is an absolutely AWFUL character. Kathy Kane was NEVER lesbian, and DC only made her so when they reintroduced her into the post Crisis universe. Being a lesbian doesn't make a character deeper, it just makes her morally reprehensible. Batwoman as she stands now has about as much depth as a puddle.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


She's a great character who has a lot of depth and stands up well in the darker/mystic side of Gotham. Her comic was great to start with, I admit, but when she got her own 'team' it went a little off-course. However, initially, Elegy and the following arcs were incredible in both writing and art. They created a new character who isn't just a female version of Batman, or a girlfriend or sidekick and gave her a strong, individual identity.

I don't see how her being a lesbian makes her morally reprehensible (actually, as a former marine, her sense of morality and honour make for some good internal antagonism). In the comics her sexuality is not used as a gimmick, but rather to introduce some interesting stories which I've never seen in any other comics.

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


What romanticinsomniac meant was that Kate's lesbianism is morally reprehensible to his/her close-minded values and ultra-conservative mind-set.

"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having." - V


Morally reprehensible, or just very hot?


Batwoman is an absolutely AWFUL character. Kathy Kane was NEVER lesbian, and DC only made her so when they reintroduced her into the post Crisis universe.

Kathy and Kate Kane are two different characters before and after the Flashpoint reboot.

Kathy Kane, the original Batwoman either retired or died sometime after retirement depending on which continuity you follow.

Kate, however was always a lesbian and I do kind of see your point that the character should be more than her sexual orientation. I'm pretty sure that's a major reason why her comic series was cancelled recently, she just didn't have much depth or character aside from enjoying company with the same sex.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


Isn't Kathy Kane now in Grayson? I keep meaning to read that, so I'm not sure but I feel I heard it somewhere...

I think she had a lot of depth - more than we've seen Batman show in recent years- but then JH Williams III quit and the writing took a serious nose dive.

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


Isn't Kathy Kane now in Grayson?

She may be. I do know Helena (Huntress) Bertinelli is though. Before and after Flashpoint, Kathy Kane has had a real sketchy history. Surprisingly, her niece Bette fared better.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.
