MovieChat Forums > Batman: Bad Blood (2016) Discussion > Is this base off a comic, N if so, did t...

Is this base off a comic, N if so, did they butcher the story

Usually out the door, they let you know, if a movie is base off a comic, but this almost seems like its an original story, however, i'm betting its not. So, with that said, how close is it to the original source material. Superman vs the Elite is my favorite anime from DC and i know that story was changed a great deal, and i'm just trying to find out how much this was change.

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I have read alot of Batman stories but I don't remember any story this was based off of. You can't say they butcher a story since they have said for years that the animated movies (unless are direct adaptations like The Dark Knight Returns and Year One) will be loosely based of Batman stories and are their own thing. I am glad they are making their own original stories.

"Come in, dispatch. Send more paramedics."


U'm sorry to tell you, my frend, but you can butcher a story or an adaptation.
When you adapt something, your main goal is to copy or keep intact that special something, you like and want to convey to your audience. If you fail to do, exactly that, then you have basically butchered your adaptation.
ANYTHING CAN BE BUTCHERED...Just because they aren't being panel slaves, doesn't mean they can't ruin the project. By the way,i like original ideas and stories, but from my little research on google i don't think this story is original, it looks to be the Leviathan storyline

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You didn't understand my post, Bad Blood is NOT a direct adaptation of any one story, there might be a few scenes that were taken from other stories(none that I have read) but if the movie is mostly original then there is nothing that can say was butchered.

"Come in, dispatch. Send more paramedics."


if the movie is mostly original then there is nothing that can say was butchered.

this was my question, "Is this base off a comic, N if so, did they butcher the story?"
so who misunderstood who?

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Gonna put the entire thing is spoilers.

First of all, this entire saga of Bat continuity that has started with Son of Batman draws heavily from Grant Morrison's arc with the character - from Damian's introduction to him becoming a full fledged member of the Bat family. These films has taken that kind of route - though less refined I would say.

This particular film does draw on elements of different storylines but I think tackled it quite well.

Now onto the spoilers

First off, Batman going missing has been covered in Batman RIP and Final Crisis with Dick Grayson forced to take on the mantle of the bat (led to some great stories. I highly recommend Scott Snyder's Black Mirror and Morrison's Batman and Robin run) despite trying to escape Bruce's shadow. Damian Wayne was the Robin in those stories as well.

Second, is the introduction of Heretic. This is a part of the Batman Incorporated storyline in the New 52.

Finally, Batwoman being saved by Batman and then teaming up with Dick Grayson to find a way to bring him back were elements in the 52 monthly series and Batman and robin respectively.

Batwing's introduction was in Batman Incorporated but the story here is a more original version given Luke in comic book continuity is actually the second Batwing.

So in all, I think they did justice to most of the characters and made a good enough film.
Matt Ryan and Misha Collins. Constantine/Castiel crossover - the Trenchcoat Brigade. DO IT!


Well put!

"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having." - V


Well put, but you missed the bit about Batwoman's backstory which comes directly from the Batwoman comics. (other than the fact she got kicked out of the marines for being gay, not becuause of her mental health)

It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


Batwoman Elergy is a beautiful piece and I think essential reading for anyone who likes good female centred stories. And I loved they brought Renee - maybe she will gain more importance with time in this continuity. Haven't seen the police force get that much of attention.

Yeah. I liked how they didn't shout out 'Look, she's gay!' but just allowed her to develop as the movie went along. Batwing though was a misstep as far as I saw.

If we go into more references, I'll need to bring in Tusk (Batman and Robin Annual where it was shown how brotherly Dick and Damian are) and Babs being introduced at the end in her current New 52 costume.

Matt Ryan and Misha Collins. Constantine/Castiel crossover - the Trenchcoat Brigade. DO IT!


It's hot... but not as hot as the night Johnny Viti got married...


AviCoolChatt from your explanation, it look like they went the batman begin route, where they took pieces from several comics and made the movie. no wonder it felt so, choppy to me. it just felt uneven at times, and i think its because of that patch work technique they use

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But the biggest problem for me was when Batman was brainwashed and his secrets were taken from his memories. Batman had tibet monks train him to resist mind control and avoid people from prying into his mind. Otherwise every telepath will be able to know who he is. That isn't the case. Even if Talia knows who Bruce Wayne is, she would not have exposed him to all the bad guys in her team.
