MovieChat Forums > Batman: Bad Blood (2016) Discussion > Does anyone really like this series?

Does anyone really like this series?

I currently own every single DC Animated movie on BluRay from Doomsday to Gods and Monsters. I love them. But Im not so keen on the direction these movies are going in. I was wondering if anyone is happy.

Almost all of the DC Animated features are a single movie with no sequel.

However, now we are getting the third movie in a series. Bad Blood is the sequel to Son of Batman and Batman vs Robin.

The problem is SoB and BvR are both pretty bad.

And then on DC All Access the producer said that they will be releasing a sequel to the Son of Batman and Justice League: War every year. He even goes on to say what he hopes to see in the fourth movie in this series.

Does anyone like these Damian Wayne movies? When you compare SoB and BvR to the previous DC movies they are pretty poor to say the least.
Why do you think DC has made this decesion?


I hate these movies. I miss the DC animated universe series and movies. These new movies are there to just cater to the needs of Batman fanboys. Marvel is doing a much better job with their characters all around. DC is now only about Batman.


I'm not a fan of Damian at all. I kind of wish they'd do some Tim Drake Robin era storylines, the NEW52 sucks so bad since the DC characters are depicted as such jerks after the reboot.

When theres no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


My response to this 'New 52' series is pretty mixed so far.

I loved Justice League War. I thought Throne of Atlantis was decent.

I think Batman vs. Robin was a fairly good film. Didn't care at all for Son of Batman.

Bad Blood looks interesting so far, but who knows. Honestly, I'd have preferred if they did proper adaptations of Court of Owls and Grant Morrison's 'mega-arc' instead of the vague 'adaptations' they're doing right now.

At least we have Killing Joke coming up soon...


I like Oliva & this here trilogy. It's a refreshing change that will likely be the harbinger for even more wildly different and original creative changes.

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Frankly, I think all the "New 52" universe animated films have sucked.


While I don't know if it counts as one of the DC New 52 films, but Assault on Arkham was pretty freaking great, I loved that one.


It doesn't. It takes place in the continuity of the video game.


i like the blood and gore


When Robin was pulling up the rope with that villain I was sooooo hoping that there was a dismembered leg attached to it, I would have lost it to see that.

"Come in, dispatch. Send more paramedics."


This movie was pretty terrible.


This Trilogy is seriously some of my favorite films of the DC animated films. I am a sucker for any film/tv show that Phil Bourassa is the character design, I love his work. I own probably 80% of all the DC animated films on blu ray and as long as they keep this great animation I will keep loving and buying them.

"Come in, dispatch. Send more paramedics."
