This was terrible.

Possibly my least favourite of all DC animated films in recent memory. Everything felt silly, forced, unnatural and uninspired. What a massive letdown.


Definitely awful.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !


I hate that the focus was put on all those Batman wannabes. Batwing? How original, name yourself after the plane.


To be honest, I enjoyed it more than the other, previous films. Ones like Assault on Arkham or Son of Batman, I feel like how you feel about this, ha. In general, all of DC's recent animated films are as you describe: "silly, forced, unnatural and uninspired". Due to the writing that just really makes no sense. Things happen just for plot or for a fight. The past few years as an entirety have been a letdown sadly...

Young Justice. The one gem in all of this.


I feel the same way you do concerning these recent DC animated movies. While I thought this one was okay, the last one I truly enjoyed was Flashpoint. The writing has gotten pretty poor, with loose characterization and lame, limp stories. Thankfully the animation at least appears to be getting better, even if I dislike the character models themselves. Maybe that new Justice League cartoon will be a gem in DC's animated output, though I'm not holding my breath.


alot of plp here r stupid becaus they hog evrything and like it becaue they dont see the prob with theses films.. the effin story and charcters.. jeesh its so dam easy to make orginal stries that make us give a rats *beep* about caring.. the action is easy.. yea sure one kick and explosions r fine but they will never and i mean ever make u for lack of story.. i knw sumthing was going on as i was seeing it.. it just had to be so pointless for the fire dude to fly into the dam engine and then alfred fighting.. yea okay guy his elecral circuit and fries the other guy.. and u dont even see his head blow up.. stupid.. i am done with theses pointless arcs...


OMG I think my head just blew up trying to read your rambling text.

Seriously, if you want to be taken seriously, use punctuation and spell check. This is almost as bad as reading "text" messages on a pager.




Agreed. This lame sidekick movie sucked.


I agree. This was a spit on the face. Didn't like how they portrayed Batman in this. And that cliched formula, antagonist-becomes-good was pathetic, especially when it involved Batman.


And that cliched formula, antagonist-becomes-good was pathetic, especially when it involved Batman.
Which antagonist do you mean? Heretic didn't turn good; although Talia killed him for being weak. Talia didn't turn to good. Onyx didn't turn to good; she was just seeking revenge.

"A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having." - V


I completely agree, and felt the same way. So disappointed that I brought it and threw it away.


It was lame. I'm really missing Bruce Timm and Dwayne McDuffie. These movies haven't been the same since, although Assault on Arkham was really good.
