Letty and Javier

Michelle Dockery and Juan Diego Botto bring to life Letty and Javier in Good Behavior. For the first time in a long time I'm invested in a couple and a show with so much potential. They sizzle on screen with their chemistry is beautiful. What's so great about this couple is that it's so unconventional. Looking past the initial aspects of she's a con artist/thief/druggie and he's a hit man you have two people in a lot of pain from different abuses and life situations. In one another they find a safe harbor and support and acceptance.

In eppy 9 Letty made many stupid decisions and people are coming down on her and doubt that Javier can take her back because it would destroy his character. No it won't. Why? Because Letty makes her dumb decisions and Javier reams her out for it. And this will be no less. Javier will let her know what he saw in that motel. They will argue you over it and still find a way back to one another. Letty at this point is learning that not everyone is going to let her down and abandon her. She's going to learn it's not about the I aspect.


I hope the writers surprise us and come up with a plausible way to keep Javier out of prison and redeem Letty in some way. However I think one of the problems with Epi 9 is that Javier did not keep Letty "in line" in a way like he usually would try to. Her demand that Sean be killed was not dealt with, he did try to explain it to her but not with the conviction he should have. For one thing killing Sean would have brought a ton of attention to Letty and Javier. It already was really implausible that no one has noticed the "new guy" in town with Letty, its a small town and these two are actually "on the run." Letty is in violation of parole and an accessory to murder, Javier is a murderer. Killing anyone right now would be very risky for Javier much less some one that he has been seen with in public. That fact never came up. Also let's face it Jacob would immediately suspect something if Sean were murdered and push Letty away, he would then make Sean into this great man he never got to know, regardless of who killed him he would feel that way. Then Letty would lose Jacob, possibly forever.

I think there was a progression going on with Letty and she completely lost that. It will be interesting to see where it goes though.


Love love love the show! Can't wait for season 2.


Letty at this point is learning that not everyone is going to let her down and abandon her.

lol, let her down? Abandon her? Her best friend from high school still stands by her even after she kissed her husband. Her mother took her abandoned child and raised him - even protecting him from his self-absorbed, toxic mother. Her parole officer lost his job trying to protect her. Seems to me everyone bends over backwards to help this ungrateful cancer and she's the one that lets everyone else down and screws them over. Perhaps if she had less enablers in her life she wouldn't be the pos she chooses to be. And it doesn't matter if Javier argues with her. He'd still be taking back a manipulative parasite that apparently turned him in for a clean record and custody of a child she's not fit to have.

"She hasn't even read the books..." - Elliot_Alderson



To be clear I don't think Letty, at least successfully, manipulated Javier although perhaps I might have missed something there. But yeah she's manipulated everyone else, and TRIED to manipulate him into killing Sean, which of course was a stupid idea.

I would say the problem more with the concept of Javier taking her back is that he both can't trust her and also now she is simply too high visibility and risky to be around.

In another thread I suggested the way forward might be possible if somehow they got the FBI to think the Philanthropist was either dead or someone other than Javier. In theory one other way, which doesn't fit with the rest of the situation, would be for both to hit the road and not look back. but that would require Letty to give up on Jacob and her mother and her friend and for that matter Christian (who of course is a problematic presence).

But to clarify I would say Javier is the one person she has, so far, not manipulated. Instead she has put his life in danger, can't be trusted, and is too risky to be around. I think those things are enough. Heh!


lol, let her down? Abandon her? Her best friend from high school still stands by her even after she kissed her husband. Her mother took her abandoned child and raised him - even protecting him from his self-absorbed, toxic mother. Her parole officer lost his job trying to protect her. Seems to me everyone bends over backwards to help this ungrateful cancer and she's the one that lets everyone else down and screws them over. Perhaps if she had less enablers in her life she wouldn't be the pos she chooses to be. And it doesn't matter if Javier argues with her. He'd still be taking back a manipulative parasite that apparently turned him in for a clean record and custody of a child she's not fit to have.

Agreed, absolutely. Like in real life, women like this have no reason to change when there are no consequences for their continued bad behavior. She's worthless trash, and she'll always get what she wants.

It's impossible to root for anyone on this show, but that makes it more true-to-life, so I suppose I'll keep watching:)


Javier is a contract killer who refuses to allow Letty to steal, do drugs or drink. Letty is the one person who knows Javier's secrets and accepts him completely. Their crazy compliments each other. Add theggs show couple with the actors obvious chemistry and it's magic!

I also love how Rob and Estelle fit together! Damned proud of Rob and how he manned up in the season finale against Sean!


I also love how Rob and Estelle fit together! Damned proud of Rob and how he manned up in the season finale against Sean!

That surgery on his manhood is really paying dividends! 

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.
