My July 19 fight reviews (spoilers)
Bronco vs Stinger: I think that would have been the best fight so far if Stinger didn't get thrown out. I wish they had a way to prevent bots from getting stuck on the ledge and still keep it safe. It was still a great fight.
Tombstone vs Witch Doctor: I need to apologize to Witch Doctor, I didn't think much of it from the beginning of the season. It made a great come back and did better against Tombstone than any other bot so far (my opinion). Tombstone won and it's my favorite to win the bolt, but Witch Doctor impressed me in this fight.
Bite Force vs Overhaul: They are equally matched bots and it was an ok fight. But all I kept thinking was Tombstone would kill them in 10 seconds. Glad Bite Force won. Overhaul only did good in the last minute, Bite Force dominated the first two. And I guess the judges didn't see enough damage on Bite Force to make that last minute good enough for Overhaul
On a side note. They said hazards only come out after the first minute, did not know that. Although it seemed to be infrequent.
Icewave vs Ghost Raptor: So much for seeing my dream fight of Tombstone vs Icewave. The De-icer worked as they planned. Not sure how I feel about them making a weapon specifically for the bot they're fighting but it's not against the rules. If Icewave had a better driver it would have won. I keep saying driving skills matter.
Overall it was a great 4 fights, I love Battlebots
Looking forward to Tombstone vs Bronco next week.