The Only Game In Town
I've read all the threads and subsequent comments. This reply is aimed at all the fans HERE that understand what's going on.
I'm sure everyone here agrees that in an hour show on ABC - ESPECIALLY aired during primetime that we're dealing with (like one member here said) 50 minutes of crap and commercials, and 10 minutes of actual Bot matches.
First, to reiterate what others have said, we have an airhead girl host, and two obnoxious guys. Granted, the girl is just there as eye candy. But I wonder who those dudes are. Is one or both former Bot Champions? While they both explain the incredibly obvious to the audience, they seem to have their own duel going to see which one is the most obnoxious. I know. It's all just fodder for the cameras.
Second, like another member here mentioned, this show is produced for the dumb masses out there that believe reality shows are actually real. I, like everyone else here is a true BattleBot fan. It's hard to believe that I'm the only one mentioning this: There MUST BE PAID/COMPENSATED Losers. I've seen too many examples of ROUTS where one Bot DESIGN is vastly INFERIOR to another. Things like WEAPONS and DEFENSIVE DURABILITY designs are displayed in the "Tale of the Tape" comparisons, but often HORRIBLE DESIGN flaws like being UNABLE to flip back over, aren't noticed until the match begins. My point is that there are obvious MISMATCHES present before the Bots actually battle. Since people have to work and just build Bots as a hobby, they CAN'T AFFORD to have their Bots SHREDDED by a vastly superior opponent. So I'm saying there must be paid suckers/losers out there.
Third, it's been mentioned how arrogant certain Bot builders/drivers are. Again, this is just fodder for the cameras. Everyone, including myself, loves to root for the underdog and see the arrogant pr*ck get smashed/humiliated.
I've been a fan of BattleBots since it was on one of the cable channels is the early 2000's. It was VASTLY SUPERIOR to what ABC is putting out during primetime. But I'm still a fan and it's the only game in town.