

If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.


Two hours of battlebot carnage, Woohoo!!!!!!!!!


I just fast forward to the battles and don't care about the bio's. Fun to watch the carnage.


Same, it's all fluff as I'm concerned. I just want to watch battles.


I just fast forward to the battles and don't care about the bio's

I'm not trying to pretend I watch the show for the bio's. I obviously watch it for the fights. But, I still watch the bio's and you people who keep complaining about them are really annoying me. The original show had bio's and everyone was fine with it. Now all of a sudden the fact that they want to at least introduce us to the bot builders is the worst thing since hitler.


I watch the bios too and usually skip through the banter.


I also fast forward through commercials and the back stories on most TV reality type shows. I can spend an hour watching a show, or TiVo it and spend 15 minutes the actual action. Same with The Voice. I watch them sing and blow by the commentary.
