If it was live and no way of knowing how it performs, I would have wanted to see it since it something different. But they knew it was a lame fight and knew to skip them. Since we didn't see the complete fights on the others that were skipped, maybe this was the least boring but I doubt it.
I find warhead team have sold out, back in the day they had razor which pawned a lot of bots because they had the pincer/claw to crush everything, on occasional they were out driven or just rekt but they had such a good run.
and in this episode there is a few razor like pincers that just plain suck.
as you say show real fights but then they skipped over such fights...kind of makes the idea of there being more bots in the 'competition' a moot point as far as amount of episodes go.
<shrug> It reminds me of the Sartrakian days, when he'd enter those beautiful but ultimately useless bots.
I liked it, only because of how the bot was controlled. Pretty sure that was a first for Battlebots. But even their silly 'rating system' for the bots admitted it was an awfully weak bot. It was an interesting novelty, but I'm glad that it is now gone.
If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.
Yeah. IIRC he was the main supervisor for Robot Combat League on SyFy. He made some neat looking bots, even if they were terrible fighters. He's still around.
Mechadon was easily his most beautiful work.
If you buy a ticket for a remake, you are the problem, not Hollywood.