razer was the king of that weapon type but they suffered when it came to pure weapon bots because of the exposed wheels plus the armor plating was thin, like they had to keep the weight down and with all that weight in the claw/mechanisms it's not surprising they won plenty of matches but the uk robot wars seemd to evade them because of better controlled bots, i remember one time they got flipped by firestorm i think, and they didn't have a self righting option, they fixed that and next time got knocked out down to damage on the wheels/armor plating jammed a wheel, another time they lost because the self righter was slow got broken and now their warhead bot just seems like a joke / crowd pleaser, it only won it's first match in bb 2 cos the other bot sucked ass and was merely an utterly useless concept bot for show... the t rex head is too thin, and they should get rid of the stupid arms and just rebuild razer .