The year after the SoW, heavyweight, and I think just (W)yachi, super heavyweight, "shuffle bot" they changed the rules.
They reworded them to say something like any rotating part had to connect to a linkage to an arm and couldn't contact the floor or some other such NO MORE SHUFFLE BOTS verbiage.
W was retired and SoW added wheels and moved up a class. This is when their complete dominance ended. Spinners usually die when they hit another bot and kill themselves. With the added weight physics was on their side. Also the shuffling motion didn't give them much traction so when they hit someone they could side away. Bots with more traction put more stress on their superstructure.
I saw SoW at an event held at the now closed Robot Club & Grill and I can say the reactions from the commentators are real. Nothing can prepare you for the noise and carnage of a live fight. Your body says I really should not be this close.