MovieChat Forums > Alone (2015) Discussion > Fowler is looking Good

Fowler is looking Good

Fowler is looking strong. I thought Callie was going to win it; she pretty much had it all for surviving out there. I have a feeling Dave is going to tap but not next. Megan or Carleigh? Had high hopes for Carliegh at one time, but she is seeming hungry. Megan has never seemed super strong to me, but they have been building her up for a tap out for the last couple episodes.

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Fowler has whined a lot about missing his family though, that might not be a good sign for him. The thing about Fowler is he has the most impressive shelter (Callie's was nice too). I almost wouldn't mind living there.

Dave has been very smart with saving his food, I can't believe he had 33 fish filets for the winter. He must have a lot of self discipline not to tear into those. I think he must be rationing himself a little too thin, as skinny as he is. If he dipped into his food supply more heavily, it could last him long enough to win, depending on how long that might be.

I have no idea who is going to win though, and I don't want to underestimate the girls. They've done well this season.


I agree about rationing himself too thin. With 200 calories per day, it just means he's starving slower. He's already to the point where he can't even string his bow. Wasn't he thinking about making those fish heads last a month or 2? He may need to just tear into them for enough strength to get more food.

If I had to bet on one of the 2 remaining women, my money would be on Carliegh. She's an Alaska chick; used to life under difficult conditions. Megan could surprise me, but I noticed one thing about her at the start that: she proudly professed her "badassery." People with a high opinion of themselves often fail in the long hauls.

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Fowler has my vote for the win now that Callie is out. He's the only contestant who brought no rations just gear according to the History website.

---Listen, you smell something?---


I have no recollection of Megan saying anything about badassery? She seems humble and soft spoken to me. I wish I had taped some of this. Where is Megan from? If Dave goes next I will be completely tormented because I'll want all three remainers to win. I wish they could just tie.

The sun in your face the moon in your eyes...


At the beginning she made a comment about being a badass. As soon as she said that I figured at some point she'd be in for a rude awakening.

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Where is Megan from?
I think she's from British Columbia and she's a professional forester and biologist, so she should be good in the wild too.


Thanks! She clearly is good in the wild. I don't know if they are doing more seasons but whoever is slated to go should start work at becoming a jack of all wilderness skills. Best would be a skilled carpenter/stone mason/hunter//fisherman/trapper/forager/basket weaver and food preserver.

The sun in your face the moon in your eyes...


I don't know if they are doing more seasons but whoever is slated to go should start work at becoming a jack of all wilderness skills. Best would be a skilled carpenter/stone mason/hunter//fisherman/trapper/forager/basket weaver and food preserver.

I have been wondering how much time they have between selection and making the trip. Fishing shouldn't be too difficult, but hunting and trapping is another story. That could take some time to become even passable. Something I noticed that strikes me as strange is very few of them ever seem to make a nice long spear for either hunting or defense against predators. That would be one of my first things after I had a basic shelter, fire, and water.

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A spear is a good idea, you could use it like Fowler to keep a journal. Otherwise it would be pretty useless. Have you ever watched someone hunt with a spear? Most wild animals would run before you got your arm raised to throw your spear I'm afraid. For the same reason it'd be fairly useless for self defense against stealth hunters.

The sun in your face the moon in your eyes...


Hunting, unless you are good at it, a spear might not help much. But it would allow you to fend off a predator from a more respectable distance. A couple times we have seen people grab their knives at the sound of a puma or a bear. If you have to wait until they are close enough to use a knife to protect yourself, you're probably going to get messed up.

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Otherwise it would be pretty useless.

Spears are some of the oldest hunting- and defense weapons in the history of mankind. It was used to hunt the wholly mammoth before the last is-age, even the natives in North-America hunted the bison with spears and many native tribes from allover the world still have spears as their favorite weapons.

- it's absolutely a very capable weapon, both for hunting and defense.


You are likely right, my knowledge and interest in weapons hovers somewhere around zero.😁

The sun in your face the moon in your eyes...


Well then, why do you state it as a fact if you don't know anything about ancient weapons mate? 


she's a professional forester and biologist, so she should be good in the wild too.

Maybe yes, maybe no. Her experience and education certainly gives her a huge advantage on the others in regard to foraging. But I'm reminded of Joe on Dual Survival. He once commented that his military training might not be as helpful as one might think, because in the military, they are equipped to succeed. In survival shows, they tend to be equipped to fail; that way they can better demonstrate what it would be like with a regular person stranded in the wild.

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to the point where he can't even string his bow. Wasn't he thinking about making those fish heads last a month or 2?

I don't believe those were fish heads, I'm pretty sure he said "fish halves". He was talking about one fish, two filets, and then rationing them into thirds so he could get six days out of one fish by eating 1/3 every other day. We saw him smoking the filets in an earlier episode.

I wonder if he realizes he's only getting 200 calories a meal out of them?

Starving slowly may just be the name of the game though if your opponents are completely out of food and starving quickly. Unfortunately Dave looks like he may be the thinnest of the lot.


I think the producers like to get us thinking that way. Think back to season 2 - the people that seemed to be doing fantastic were people like Mike and Nicole, who rarely talked about missing home and were getting plenty of food, had great shelters, etc. Mike just tapped unexpectedly and Nicole tapped as soon as her terrific fishing ran out. Larry and David, who seemed to be struggling so hard for weeks, were the final two. In fact Larry had a terrible time from the very start - he was in a bad location and moved, and was always complaining about everything.

I would not be surprised if this season one of the people that is struggling the most ends up winning it.
