Just a few counter points.
1. Conolly says while showing a still of Lyndon Johnson at his swearing in on the plane after JFK's assassination that Johnson (with his face three quarters turned away) was smiling at a CIA man who gave him a wink. I remember seeing some video footage of the same scene or one very like it and Johnson was most definitely not smiling. He looked like a man in shock and sick to his stomach. Also a man very much aware of and sorrowed by the tragic figure of Jackie Kennedy standing beside him.
2. Conolly says that Lyndon Johnson had his sister Josefa killed but provides no evidence to substantiate the claim. Why would Johnson have had his sister killed ?
3. Conolly says that the Mafia, the CIA, the billionaires, the Skull and Bones men, the Bay of Pigs Cubans and God knows how many others assembled a crack team of eight of the best hit men available and they all shot at John Kennedy and most of them missed ! Finally they only managed to kill him when the driver of Kennedy's limousine virtually came to a complete stop fifteen feet away from the last shooter who was able to do the job.
4. Oswald was identified by at least four eye witnesses as the man who had shot and killed Officer Tippit shortly after the assassination of Kennedy. Yet Conolly claims it was Gordon Liddy who shot Tippit so that Tippit's body could be used by a crack reconstruction surgeon to repair Kennedy's skull so that it would fit in with the "official" story of Kennedy being killed by one shooter from behind. And this reconstruction was taking place on the same jet (or was it the one flying alongside?) where Johnson was sworn in as the next President !