Does Conolly do anything but use clips from movies as "evidence" ?
I'm now 45 minutes in to the "documentary" and he hasn't provided any actual evidence. All he does is make unsubstantiated claims.
I'm now 45 minutes in to the "documentary" and he hasn't provided any actual evidence. All he does is make unsubstantiated claims.
That is what I thought too. Keep watching if you want to do, don't if you don't. I've been interested in this stuff, Kennedy Assassination, ever since I was a kid when it happened, and I have never been satisfied with the BS examinations of the assassination. It never made sense, even when they tried to get scientists to model the shooting. There are some possible holes in this theory, after all how would anyone get it totally right, but generally it fits.
shareTwo hours in and it's still just a string of unsubstantiated claims. I'm done with it.
Why don't you believe in a lone gunman?
Here is a fact.
A week or so before his trip to Dallas, the Dallas Newspaper printed on the front page the EXACT ROUTE that the President would take!
Yeah the exact route! Any Joe schmo you see standing on the sides could have blown him away with a shotgun. AND he is riding in a convertible no less! Doesn't that tell you something?
They close highways now when the President travels, and the secret service never gives details to the press.
You are making the mistake of looking at the assassination with eyes of today. People had no living memory of a President being killed in 1963, so they were much more lax with security.
You will never never never see Trump riding in a convertible along major city street, whos route was given to the press a week in advance.
I lived through it. Maybe it is you that doesn't understand.
A shotgun would not have killed the President.
Oswald might have known the route, but there is no way he could
have known the limos top would be down, or the secret service
would be ordered to stand down and not ride on the limo.
Doesn't seem like you gave much thought to that comment.
I have a lot more issues with the stuff they talked about after
the Kennedy Assassination, 911, and other stuff.
There is a lot to think about.
I am talking about the people on the ground, any maniac with a sawed off shotgun could have whipped it out at the right time and taken out the President. No problem. Those people were not searched, and knew about the route weeks in advance.
The video of Oswald being joseled by newsmen in the police station is also telling on how lax security was back then, he was literally rubbing shoulders with them.
I am telling you any half wit could have killed Kennedy at Dallas. It did not take a Mastermind in 1963.