Satan in Sanskrit means...
knowledge. This is just more obvious lame Hollywood tactics to keep us scared and away from occult knowledge. The powers of our minds are being kept from us, all the evil wicked uses of magick in movies, and what the church has done to program with the ignorant masses, keep the general public far away from delving in occult knowledge, this is a huge reason for the world being the *beep* way it is, these practices could be used for good as well, or at least the truth could be disclosed about what we can actually do in this 3 dimensional illusion full of tricks, easter eggs, and hacks that never get the light of day due to people in power not wanting you to know the truth of what you can actually do, oh they'll tell in certain ways without you catching wind, they have to disclose it actually, but this is their way, with evil horror movies and countless superhero movies, while you continue to feel insignificant and meaningless in a fake reality.