Why is it?

I can watch Bryan Cranston in anything and he isn't Walter White, but Aaron Paul is ALWAYS Jesse Pinkman and I can't help but see him that way. Obviously he isn't as good of a actor as Cranston, but he's ruined in my book. I keep waiting for him to just call someone or something a bi#%h and pull a bag of meth out of his pocket..


Think he's ruined by a distinctive voice. I never got into Breaking Bad so don't have the same association, but do tend to think "he pretty much acted the same in Last House on the Left...maybe he's not that great?"

So, I just write something here and it will appear on everything I post?


Sometimes some people will be affected by a certain actor that way. I liked the character Jesse but I was afraid I would only see that. I was surprised that I didn't rather quickly in the first episode. Lol. I remember being kind of sad that Jesse wasn't there! But Steve Martin? I can not stand to watch him in anything serious because I want him to make me laugh!


I dont see Jesse Pinkman at all in this show and I was totally addicted to Breaking Bad. I would like to hear him say Yo Biotches, though.


I'm the same way... in fact, I just told someone this crazy thought that I had. Remember the was Breaking Bad ended with Jesse... breaking free, screaming with joy, crying? I always rooted for Jesse and chose to believe he ended up ok. So in my brain, I can see a wounded, damaged Jesse finding peace in a cult, especially one that cures addiction. So yeah, part of me sees Eddie as Jesse, all grown up...
