MovieChat Forums > The Path (2016) Discussion > So this is basically Scientology...

So this is basically Scientology...

The similarities are striking. Scientology has a shadowy founder who disappeared for several years, before it was announced that he left his earthly body in order to move forward on what they call "the bridge" (not the ladder). His second in command takes over and moves quickly to increase the profile and wealth of the organization.

And that contraption we see Eddie and Sarah wearing in the 2nd episode looks an awful lot like an e-meter, which is used heavily in Scientology.

The one thing Meyerism doesn't yet have is the celebrity aspect of Scientology. No Tom Cruises yet, but I expect Cal will begin to recruit them to spread his message.

Scientologists are notoriously touchy about how their "religion" is portrayed. I'm guessing they're not too happy about how close Meyerism is to some of their core beliefs.


Also the goofy "R" rankings -- R6, R8, whatev, like Scientology's OT levels.

Also the kooky "treatments" like isolation and interrogation.

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It has a lot of things in common with Scientology, but it's more of a populist movement without all the glamour. The people seem to like a simple life cut off from the world. Not very Hollywood.


Whole-wheat Scientology with a dash of Ted Kaczynski.

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don't forget that strange contraption thing that the kids were wearing for the healing purposes. scientology has that meter thing with the cans.....i think. wasn't it called an E meter?


Wanna bet the $cientology thralls have been instructed by their overlords to not watch "The Path?"


I imagine some clueless Scientologist watching the show, going to the next meeting and saying "hey, did you guys see that new show on Hulu about a bunch of people in a stupid cult? They're such losers!"


Better get readjusted after watching this show! :D


There are definitely similarities, but a lot of what we've could really be any of the other well established cults that exist. Though few are as far reaching a Scientology, they do exist out there.


Isn't Scientology officially a religion now? I thought the main difference between a cult and a religion is the number of members. I mean, Christianity started as a cult, right, with Jesus as cult leader who got elevated to divine supernatural status after he died, and it's had 2 thousand years to propagate. 2 thousand years from now who knows, Scientology could be the major world religion.


Not when their membership is in serious decline. Christainity was so popular the lions couldn't eat them fast enough.


What I miss is the money-aspect... with scientology it's all about money... here I haven't heard anything about people being pressured to pay or did I miss it?


I dont think you missed anything about people being pressured. I assume that they get their dough from people like rich father of drug addict kid and their wealthy clients/friends. Drug rehab seems to be a big part of the compound, I think. With rich father Cal refused his money on the proviso he recommend the movement to his clients.

That was my take.


I think that either we'll find out about illegal money sources (drug trafficking, taking members' entire personal fortunes) as the show goes on -- OR, they simply won't show it because sloppy writing. It seems to me that Cal's tactic of extorting the hedge fund manager is a new thing.

Ex-Scientologists talk about working themselves to the bone for no money, living at Third World standards, giving their entire life savings to the Church, being forced to sell those spitty Dianetics books all day, and other unrelenting hardships to keep the Co$ afloat. The Meyerists are all happy shepherds frolicking about.

It's a big difference I've noticed between the Meyerists and the Co$, too.

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Drug trafficking would be interesting, or maybe hypnotising wealthy old people into bequeathing their estates, although that's probably sloppy as well. The drug trafficking idea appeals to me because I'd like to see the dark side of these people more. When Cal beat the crap out of the trailer trash father I thought it was about to get interesting simply because I want to see his rotten side much more than has been shown so far. He's obviously rotten, but I want to see how rotten.


danloki, I think episode 7 showed how rotten Cal can be. It will be interesting to see what the writers come up with after this.


Is that the latest, racket? I'll be seeing it tonight. That's great news👍


Oh dear. We watched Going Clear last night. As much as the Meyerists are a bunch of ratbags, I dont think they have a patch on Scientology. What a disturbing documentary. Thanks to the posters who recommended it. Very well worth a watch.


There are a lot of parallels with Scientology, such as the different levels, the abbreviation of terms, the cult like devotion to a largely absentee leader, the auditing, the use of machines to help in spirituality etc.

But Meyerism is much more of a hippy movement, whereas Scientology emerged out of Hubbard's background as a scifi author and suburban occultist. Meyerism seems to have a more conventional spiritual background involving God (although they don't address him as such) and an afterlife. Scientology is a UFO religion with a whole backstory about aliens and ancient civilizations that Meyerism lacks.

Also, Hubbard very shrewdly decided to pursue Hollywood celebrities as recruits. If he hadn't done that, and gotten the financial and publicity boost that came with it, Scientology might have died out.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.
