LMAO, Invasion Of The Turks--Rating gets destroyed, 1.4 now
funniest thing I've ever seen on IMDB
sharefunniest thing I've ever seen on IMDB
shareWhat did you expect? They'll do other crap too, I'm sure.
shareWe should report every single one of these turks for rating the movie without watching it and also hate speech..
shareWhat are you expecting? Want us to watch that lie for support them? Do you really think we can Just change our thoughts about that lie after watchin ?t? Do you really think that an emperor known with his tolarence can do A genocide, can change his opinion suddenly?
shareHave you ever stopped to think, "What if im wrong" ? Do you imagine what kind of an *beep* you are then, denying the obvious truth?
shareI prove my point...only a turk will say 1.5 million innocent Armenian women and children, men who were bludgeoned to death deserved to die. I rest my case, you turks were the devil then, are the devil now and will not rest until you destroy the world..
shareLook, im not sayin they didnt die. I know that theres A million armenian died but that wasnt A genocide. Just ?n formality yes it looks Like. A million Dead Armenian - Exile. But an exile needed to protect east part of Turkey. Because many Armenians were fighting against Ottoman, against Who they have lived with.
Could you think that an Empire which has conquered many terrority but never do sth to those terrorities people, can change his think way that fastly and kill A million Armenian? Can do A Genocide? They died because of hard weather conditions, hunger. And are you thinkin Ottoman didnt do anything, didnt help them?. How could? You are in A War. You have no armory, your people are dying because of poorness. They werent able to help their people.
?f you still dont believe me, Just take A look. Just find objective sites to see what really happened. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Ottoman_Muslims
(I wanna wrigth more but im bored and my eyes are closin.)
Hate speech? When there is no evidence about the genocide, you still keep saying "yeah yeah Turks did it of course" . This deaths were all your countrys' fault beacuse they promised that they will give a country in Ottoman Empire to them. So Ottoman Empire needed to get rid of them. Ottoman Empire immediately gave the order to Armenians to move from their country, people who did not obey this killed. Most of them died on the road because of sickness or starving. This was your countrys' pressure. And it killed people.
shareCan you please tell that to my grandpa's father? Oh, no. You can't. Cause he was killed. With all his family: wife, 4 children and all the relatives, just like the neighbors. Late at night, while sleeping. My grandpa was saved only accidentally. He was taken with some unknown family to Yerevan. Alone, when he was only 7 years old. If you want the truth, than read please the international articles of that times. Not Armenian and especially not turkey's.
Its really funny how you bastards don't know anything about history and yet come and start to complain about why everyone is recognizing the Armenian genocide well...... because it ""happened"" and Turkey is guilty for the crimes and there is history books you can go and check it out yourselves