Turkish denial goes on and on..
Lets see.. Greeks, Armenians, Cypriots, and then the Kurds.. And even still look at what they are doing to Kurds TODAY..
Adolf Hitler said in 1939: "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?" One of his arguments as to why wiping out the Jews would be ok.. This is why it's important to acknowledge what happened and speak about it. So people like Hitler do not repeat such acts. Because that's pretty much what it was, an annihilation of the Armenian people, which amounts to genocide.
If you could do or say something for the Armenians back then, you would.. So what about the Kurds today? You have the chance to voice your concerns.. Just like how the Armenians were victims back then.
Look at their relationship with islamists and ISIS.. They deny that they support/supported isis (only recently started supposedly fighting isis when the kurds basically were almost going to finish them, instead started moving towards kurdish soldiers rather than isis again..)