MovieChat Forums > Da hong zha (2018) Discussion > Bruce Willis favorite film among his own...

Bruce Willis favorite film among his own!

BW had a great time shooting in some foreign land, working with this historic narrative, the sets and the vintage airplanes. The result was a massive blockbuster much like Pearl Harbor.


This just came out..only action/adventure film out now is "Hunter Kiler".


If you title your movie 'Airstrike' then you better get the cgi right, this fails miserably in this dept. Aside from the trailer pretty much explaining everything and how predictable this is, it's cringeworthy in many places. Let's kick some ass indeed. But don't take my word for it, watch the trailer, it sums it up well. No doubt the Chinese could do better with their own history.


How is it a blockbuster? No theater release. Mostly fake reviews, like yours!


Must had been a good pay day.


he got to spend some time with his buddy mel gibson
