
it is amazing how companies will try & cover their true motivations.

what is that he found is his glass. is that micro robotics or just micro something. i would suggest that with advances in medicine & medical technology one could argue that an organic substance, much like the wart on my nose or a skin-graft could be wrapped around a tracer. the trouble is that the life of the tracer is limited so it would have to be monitored closely.

take the Antarctica, which isn't the Arctic for an example, theoretically water originates/ gathers there in the form of ice; or does it originate from somewhere else. so like all ice it melts, so what minerals seep into the soil, whilst the remainder go into form the sea or something.

as with most experiment there's an element of error, so if you could duplicate a drop of water with a tracer in it how frequently would it have to be replaced/ recharged. consider this, if you could use a microscopic organic tracer that closely represents a drop of water what could you do with it. Particularly as it relates to nuclear energy. Dont concern yourself about the divulging of confidential information as this is an isolated service
