Nothing like the novel..

The original novel 'Wild pork and watercress' by Barry Crump was nothing like, it especially WASN't a comedy.


I just red the book and I don't mind that they were going for more of a comedic tone in the movie. I have not seen the movie yet, but I am assuming they don't follow the books sad ending.

The movie looks like it will still follow the main characters pretty well though.


Can you tell us about the ending please? In spoilers ;)


I would recommend checking out the book. It is a real quick read.

I'll give a quick spoiler for the ending of the book. They eventually turn themselves in, but they both get antsy and they venture out into the bush one last time. They are never found. I liked the book and the movie though. The characters were true to the book and the lighter tone was funny for the movie. Now a book like The Long Goodbye where the movie completely butchers that book with unneeded comedy.


Possibly why it's not titled the same as the book? Man you'd hate the James Bond movies, in some of them the only thing in common with the original books are the character names.


It's a shame really, I always thought the novel would have made a great adaptation into film. Unfortunately this moron got his hands on it and completely destroyed it. Cohen, please leave original ideas alone and just stick to the stereotypical cliches you're known for.


Who is Cohen?

This was written and directed by Taika Waititi.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


He has sometimes been credited as Cohen in the past, it's his Jewish mother's maiden name.


Yeah, what a moron. How dare he create a critically acclaimed movie many are calling the best movie of the year. But yeah,, it's obviously crap because it wasn't a shot for shot remake of some book nobody has ever heard of. Boy, he really dropped the ball on that one.



Its uncle Frank Kirsty!
Its time to play!

Soon, we will all have special names!


I haven't read the novel although I have read several other of Crump's books and all of them that I've read are light comedy. I have read something about him going for something deeper in Wild Pork and that he hoped for a movie directed by Lee Tamahori. Interestingly one of my facebook friends posted that the movie reminded him of the book but he didn't actually pick up that it was an adaptation and was a bit sheepish when that was pointed out to him. My flatmate who saw the film didn't reckon it was a comedy (he reckoned it was an action drama with some humour) and claimed that he had heard claims from Waititi that it wasn't meant to be a comedy either. One change they obviously made from the novel is modernising it (movie set in present day, novel written 30 years ago). As I said I haven't read the novel (should do) but I do think the movie has a similar sense of humour to what I've seen in other Crump books and what Crump, as I understand him, had. Maybe Waititi's idea was to take the basic story of Wild Pork and inject the lighter tone of Crump's other books into it.


So? Movies own no allegiance to books they are taken from. Check out the fine film "Where the Wild Things Are". Outstanding movie, nothing like the book.

Besides, movies and books are experienced in entirely different ways. Books have more time to develop characters and plot points, far more than movies have in the limited time they are allotted. And reading is more of an internal experience than viewing is. Movies show you want they want; books allow you to use your imagination more.

Honesty, I get quite tired of people complaining that movies aren't like the books they were taken from. They are entirely different formats. You don't compare paintings to music, do you?
