Appropriate for a 10 year old?

I dont mind too many bad words but is the implication that the uncle is a pedo that kidnapped the kid realy obvious? Or is it only implied and only an udult would get the underlyin gist?


Its fairly obvious.


It is obvious but the viewer knows that it isn't true all through the movie.
There are a few parts where the suggestion is more subtle, but mostly he is called a 'molesterer' by a lot of characters, including the kid. Again though the viewer knows at all times that he isn't, the movie doesn't imply that it is true at any point.

There's nothing like a warm fire and a SuperSoaker of fine cognac - Bender


its nothing like that and apart from a few bad words and hunting a pig and killing it, its fine for a 10 year old to watch my boy saw it and he is 10


There's what happens to Zag. 10 year old might find it distressing. My partner did and she's 42


It's obvious, but not as 'on the nose' as School of Rock, if that's any help.


I think it's fine. The Perv/pedo thing is done in the context of a kid that doesn't get it either. It's innocent enough. I saw it with a 9 year old. The issue for her was the pig scene. It was over the top gore without anything actually graphic. As a child and animal lover it was a bit much for her.


I think it's fine. The Perv/pedo thing is done in the context of a kid that doesn't get it either. It's innocent enough. I saw it with a 9 year old. The issue for her was the pig scene. It was over the top gore without anything actually graphic. As a child and animal lover it was a bit much for her.

So... That's a no then?


This film is absolutely appropriate for a 10 year old. You'd be depriving them if you didn't let them see it.


Was gonna say the same thing, a fabulous film for a 10 year old.


A 10 year old would have approximately 90 years to see it if they live right. No hurry.


I watched this with my 7 year old. It was a great movie but he did break down at the pig part. Smart kid, big heart.
that's what she said 🐕
