Nothing Made Sense

Incohesive. Presents all these things and resolves none of them. Trash.

Only Patrick Wilson saves it from being a total 0.


It is a time loop movie. With that, you have to REALLY pay attention or watch multiple times. Maybe go to YouTube and look up explanation videos. But the movie is a time loop movie and the characters are stuck in a loop and we see multiple versions of them entering the loop the movie starts out on. The loop is broken at the end though.


The Giant Boulder in the middle of the field is never explained.


It's an enigma, something beyond our comprehension and probably older than Earth, maybe a remnant of the primordial universe or maybe older than that. Any explanation would send your mind looking for reasons it doesn't make sense and you would find them, best leave it a mystery.


Agreed. It makes the movie ominous which I have always found enticing in film and some of my favorites movies are unexplainable.


A movie doesn't necessarily have to be cohesive or have resolved to be good.

By your rational, David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Gus Van Want and Richard Kelly movies are "Trash".

And so is the Twilight zone and creepshow.

Some of the best movies leave one wondering and thinking at the end.


Don't watch Dark. You'll commit harakiri.


I won’t haha.
